Tuesday, 11 November 2008

christmas crochet update and felting

Ok, so now the list is getting shorter, woo! I'll add it on the end of this post if anyone actually cares...

As the owner of a lovely felt beret (from Accessorise, far too expensive) that I never wear in case I lose it/ dirty it/ a magpie steals it etc, and simultaneously as a crochetier, I've been looking for felting tutorials so I can make my own felt hats! God I love hats.
So, I found a simple tutorial combined with a pattern at michaels.com (here) and when I get some 100% wool wool, I'm gonna try it out!

I promised my lovely friend I'd make her a wristycuff out of my scraps, so I'm going to go and do that. Also, I've just had an "OHSHIT" moment, as she will have read this blog and will now know what she's getting for Christmas. Oh dear. Well, hopefully she'll forget before then. Amy, stop wondering which present is yours. You've worked it out. Now forget!

So far, we've finished:

My mum-in-law's (hat, my own pattern)
My sis-in-law's (hat, my own pattern)
My best friend's (Rasta bag hat, modified version of an internet pattern that I'm still looking for again!)
My other best friend's (scarf)
My other best friend's (wristlets)
My grandparents-in-law (shell pattern tea cosy, from an old book)

In the process of finishing:

My dad-n-law (claret & blue beanie- WHUFC FTW!)

Still to do:
My other half (WHAT THOUGH? And he's still getting Iron Man on DVD)
Cousin 1
Cousin 2
Cousin 2's toddler
Cousin 2's hubby
Another friend
Another friend
My friend (now penfriend) in the USA
My godmum

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