Thursday, 8 October 2009

Another New Project...

Not a commission this time, just birthday presents. The beginnings of a sari silk scarf to be done by the end of October, and a fuzzy hat that needs to be done by the end of November. What do you

Fuzzy hat worked in three strands of Palette series 093pt/219 in shade 'Pink Berries' (100% wool) for a friend-colleague.

And the evil sari silk mess that's being worked on a 7mm hook cuz it's such a pain... and looks like it might be lang syne before it's done... I hope not, I haven't got the time! (Sari silk from

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Leslie said...

Do you tell us where the sari silk is from as a word of warning?

Sorry it's being a PITA.

talumirage said...

Yes! If my suffering helps others avoid the same suffering, then it's all worthwhile!