Friday, 30 January 2009
yarn shopping
Will get a pic of the wristers into ravelry when I can, but am a bit busy today!
I found a nice crochet pattern (well it was shown to me by One Pretty Thing) but alas it crashed firefox. Poo!
Will try again anyway when my list of open tabs has diminished!
(it's here if you wanna see)
Thursday, 29 January 2009
ideas flowing
The first Woolly Wrister is complete, the second is just a slipknot at the moment, but that will hopefully change soon!
I've written a rough draft of the new pattern, as well as a schematic for a sort of matching collarette that I was thinking of making in a different shade of the same wool. Or maybe from a ball of Jet if I can find a nice enough colour in Hobbycraft. I might go look later. I do need to top my oyster card up (for my non UK friends, an Oyster card is like a bus pass card, you put money on it and it takes the value of one trip off when you board a bus)... One 50g ball should be enough in theory- afterall my alpaca collarette was only a 50g ball!
My other idea is to inspire you all to do a meme. Have you any idea what a meme is? Well, check out the wikilink. I particularly love photo/art memes and am always inspired to do them myself after looking. That's what I hope to do for you guys!
So, this is talumirage's photo-meme:
1) Something I use daily.
2) A view from a window of my house.
3) My favourite colour.
4) My mode of transport.
5) My wool (felt, paint etc) stash.
6) My bad habit!
7) My extravagance.
8) My breakfast.
9) My pets.
10) One word to describe me.
I REALLY want you guys to do it!
Send me a link to wherever you've put it (blog, flickr account, photobucket, facebook album etc) and I'll take a peek!
So this is my one:
Come on peeps, you KNOW you want to do it!
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
slightly OT
Also, I just read a really nice poem, so I wanted to share it with you all.
'There Will Come Soft Rains' by Sara Teasdale
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pool singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white;
Robins will wear their feathery fire,
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;
And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.
Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree,
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself when she woke at dawn
Would scarcely know that we were gone.
Also, has a really great personality test. It's all picture based. I enjoyed myself playing. Here's what I found out about myself:
"Your Core Skills:
You are a natural problem solver. Nothing beats the feeling you get when you are deeply engrossed in resolving an analytical conundrum. You have very strong levels of emotional intelligence and thrive on team-work and debate. You enjoy processing problems as part of a group. You are very empathetic and understanding to the needs and ideas of others.
Potential Areas Of Weakness:
Though a strong team player, you may lack the confidence or experience to take on the public speaking and facilitation roles that would allow you to fulfill your leadership potential. You know how you want things done and this means you can be quite impatient. You are often over-precise and obsessive about details, which can lead to stress.
Areas You Might Want To Work On:
- try to keep your eye on the clock so that you don't lose track of time when you're engrossed in work
- make a conscious effort to be more flexible and easygoing in the workplace
- take positive steps to improve your confidence levels such as enroling for a drama workshop or joining a choir
Careers That May Suit You:
detective, occupational psychologist, workshop facilitator, probation officer
Your Detailed Personality Assessment:
It's important that you take the time to listen to yourself as well as to those around you. Make a conscious effort to regularly tune into your personal life goals and how you are going to achieve these. Use your diplomacy and intuition to your own advantage to move your career forward in positive ways. You enjoy a challenge and always rise to the occasion so make sure that your attitude stays fresh so that you are exhilarated in everything that you do.
When it comes to leadership, you believe in mucking in and being part of the team. Nothing earns the respect of your colleagues like actual hands-on involvement and experience. If you want something done well, you like to show the way and let others follow your lead.
You have a deep connection to your spiritual self. This balanced outlook is an extremely powerful force in your life. You have a healthy sense of perspective and are driven by a strong moral value system.
As far as you're concerned, hard work is the best way to achieve your goals. Short cuts to success are just a false economy. You tend to be quite traditional in your perspective and like to have a clear sense of your career milestones. You believe that effort should be rewarded and that if you put in the hours you'll reap the benefits. However that doesn't mean you always follow your own wisdom. It can be hard to maintain intense levels of focus all the time.
You are in a very steady place right now. Life feels very ordered and compartmentalised. But it may also be lacking inspiration. You could do with some fresh thinking to breathe life into those grey cells. But overall, you get a thumbs up for being calm and collected whatever life throws at you. You've probably got a lot on your plate. But you're quite good at staying on top of things and not letting the stresses of the job take over too much. Sometimes the greatest pleasure is in being really busy and not having enough hours in the day!
The way you approach each day can have huge implications for your success in the workplace. You're a naturally enthusiastic and energised person and you definitely know how to live life to the full. But if you're really serious about implementing positive change in your career, you might need to look at the way you balance your time. You can't expect too much from yourself. It might be a case of shifting priorities for the time being and there's a chance that a spot of exercise could do you the world of good. Getting some fresh air and letting those endorphins flow may be just the thing you need to put the spring back in your step.
The Future:
It can be daunting to be looking for your first job but this really is an exciting time in your life. There's so many decisions to make that will shape your future. You have the opportunity to really think about what you want from life and how you're going to achieve it. You may feel like you're a bit stuck for ideas right now. It's important that you really try to listen to your inner voice and ask what it is that you want from life. By being true to yourself, you'll find that the inspiration will flow and allow you to develop and shine in the most amazing ways."
I'm stunned that it's actually quite accurate in places. Whoa.
new wristers
The pattern is slightly different, with a longer dc cuff area, but is still basically along the same lines. I'm a bit miffed that Hobbycraft have overhauled their wool selection, so I can no longer easily buy certain yarns I have become attached to. This annoys me! Although every time I go in there I do pick up a ball of this lovely looking yarn that I always forget what it's called. I know it's like 4ply or sock weight, Hobbycraft have 3 colourways (named after signs of the zodiac, aquarius and pisces stand out to me at the mo) and it's mainly bamboo (I think 85%). You'd think this'd be enough info to google it and get results. Nope. I think it's called "Happiness", but without a maker (Sirdar, Patons, Wendy, all tried, all failed) I can't find it! It's about £5 for a ball (think it's 50g) so I can't actually justify buying it as I don't knit socks, and that's what I want it for.
Lovely Hope and Leslie do sock knitting... they should knit me socks. I have a 50g ball of "Mississippi 3 Print" by Katia (colour 3203 here) from a UKRAK that looks like it should be for socks. It seems a waste to not use it...
Martha's moleskine is here, and I shall commence drooling on it and wiping it on my face... now! Only kidding... maybe.
I've now finished my scarf commission (yay, very bored of scarves!) and some new freaky looking animals that were meant to be colourful sheep but didn't quite turn out that way.
If anyone has a request for me to make one, or would like to rehome one of the mutants, please comment below. Comment below if you just want to too, but if you want one, that seems the best place to let me know.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
tra la laaa
I must go to the post office today and mail frewen's moleskine off, or else Leslie will break my legs. How she'll reach from Colorado I don't know, but I'm not willing to take that chance.
So I've finally finished my entry in the first E I.M.E, had to wait for bits to dry etc, and I'm only a day late sending, so nobody can be that cross with me, surely?
I hope my CCC moleskine is ok... I wonder who has it right now? I could check the list, but I'm lazy. And the order's changed, so I dunno if it'd be who I thought it was.
Andyway, someone in my Essex hookers group brought this blog to my attention, so I think I'll be stopping by regularly to take a peek! I particluarly like this pattern, but not being religious myself (as we all know that each person is a god in their own right, and I'm even more godly than anyone :P) I thought I could make one for Mark's nana for Easter. She's a Christian (and diabetic, so chocolate is right out) so I guess she'd appreciate it?
Anyway, I have a list of thigns to do, and a list of his shopping to get, so I must press on. Maybe I'll find some fleece time today too... phew.
Monday, 26 January 2009
quick update
I've decided that it's all well and good knowing how to knit, but I like being a hooker better. XD
I got two RAK packages today! YAY!
One is from Kristina, who is my source for random feltable scraps, lol and the other is from Birgit, who very kindly hand knit me some socks (am wearing them now, I likes) and sent me some other random bits, including a Fleece Dog kit! And we all know how much I love Fleece Dog! Incidentally, I bought the book this weekend...
Just a quick update for the moment, as I have a job interview (that is apparently going to last from 12.30-4 or 5pm... weird) to get sorted for, and I want to play with fleece for a little while first ;)
Friday, 23 January 2009
crochet, at last!
Handy Wristlers:
Main Part: (red on my pic)
Using larger hook (for me, 6mm) chain 33 (or enough to fit your wrist!)
- dc in each ch, ch 1, turn
- dc in each ch, ch 1, turn
- dc in each ch, ch 1, turn
- dc in each ch, ch 1, turn
- dc in each ch, ch 3, turn
- tr in each dc, ch 4, turn
- dtr in each tr, ch 3, turn
- tr in each dtr, ch 1, turn
- dc in each ch, ch 1, turn
- dc in each ch, ch 1, turn
- dc in each ch, ch 1, turn
- dc in each ch, ch 1, turn
- dc in each ch, ch 1, turn
Hand Edging: (black)
Using smaller hook (4mm for me), join second colour on at seam.
- dc in each (colour 1) dc, join with slst, ch 1, turn
- dc in each dc, join with slst, ch 1, turn
- dc in each dc, join with slst, ch 3, turn
- *dc ch dc in 3rd st, ch 2 (*repeat across), slst together, ch 2, turn
- *dc ch dc in gap, ch2 (*repeat across), slst together
Arm End Edging: (black)
Using smaller hook (4mm again), join second colour on at seam.
- dc in each (colour 1) ch across, join with slst, ch 1, turn
- dc in each dc, join with slst, ch 1, turn
- dc in each dc, join with slst, ch 1, turn
- dc in each dc, join with slst, ch 1, turn
- dc in each dc, join with slst, ch 1, turn
Now this is just a basic hand/wrist warmer pattern, but you can alter it as you see fit- lengthen it by repeating the pattern section (the rows of treble-d treble-treble), make it smaller, etc! The possibilities are endless... sort of.
Also, I learned to knit last night. I still think I prefer crochet, but anyway, here it is, just for a laugh, the little knitty bit I did:
And yes, that is a pair of chopsticks. Where would a hooker get knitting needles at 11pm?
Now I'm determined to buy a pair of needles and a "learn to knit for complete morons" book and teach myself.
Is it meant to feel all ribbly?
Also, I'm back on the needle felting today. Sheeps for all!
Thursday, 22 January 2009
still alive
I know I've been a bad hooker this week, but I've been a bit busy! Monday was my graduation, Tuesday was job interview (and Mark had a day off work so we played XBOB all day), Wednesday was muma's day off, and now things are back to normal!
I apologise profusely for the lack of crochet recently. I have still been doing it, but not of anything exciting (except one exciting project but I didn't want to put pics up until Hope has her present because otherwise it'll spoil it!), so no pics for the moment.
I am now the (junior) Essex Felter. Blame frewen. And also in a way, Leslie too. Ms. feltypants got me started on wet felting, and by a dint of effort, they both manhandled me into needle felting too. I don't think my fingers will ever forgive them.
So anyway, the point I'm making is thus. Today I made a family of needle felted sheeps. All by myself! YAY ME! And they all have names too... I shall introduce you to:
And the whole clan McBaa!
(L-R: Archie, Wee Jockie, Ma Morag and Aengus McBaa)
Well, I'm going to go make some more things... possibly distant relatives of the McBaa clan!
Monday, 19 January 2009
Essex Hooker, BSc (Hons)
Sorry for no fibre related updatery, but I knew a couple of friends on teh interwebs would want to see a pic of me in mortar-board and gown, so here we are.
Normal serive resumed tomorrow... I hope!
Sunday, 18 January 2009
not around tomorrow, so here's a post!
Friday, 16 January 2009
my felted pebble
Step 2) Felt the middle part of the fibres, leave the edges a bit dry and unfelty.
Step 3) Wrap felt around stone. Now work edges and middle more.
Step 4) Scrubbings!
Step 5) Rinse well in hot, then cold water.
i can has new wools?
I've been told I need to put more pics of the felt experience up, so ok, here we go!
I'm making something warm for Hope's head as a thankles present, but now have found a little cardi I want to make myself! Look here, isn't it twee?
Thursday, 15 January 2009
This is going to be a quick post as I need to pop out, and see if my felt experiments are dry yet. I need to buy some foam or something for needle felting, as the block of stuff I've got is poo, and bits keep getting in my felty things. Grr.
I've ordered some more fluffies in different colours from World of Wool and Texere, so hopefully, more colours soon! I want to felt a pebble...
Have you seen Fleece Dog? They're sooo cute! I want to do one! But it'll suck because I've only been felting a week!
Things I have learned this last week of felting:
1) Shetland wool doesn't like Merino wool. How to fix this? Felt the Merino first, then felt the Shetland onto it later. Then we don't end up with big holes which I still need to fix.
2) Don't use polystyrene or oasis block for needle felting, it makes bits fall into your work. How to fix this? I don't know...? High density foamboard? I'll ask the market foam man if he still has a stall.
3) Tesco (discontinued so cheap at 75p a pack) 'Shiny Shred' looks good but doesn't felt in very well and breaks when you try to needle it in. How to fix this? Um, secure it with Merino wisps? Not bother lol?
Does anyone know where I can get shiny stuff to put in my felt? I got a lovely felted bowl as a RAK from Zoe (woolbird) and it has some shimmery shizzle in it, and I'd love to know where to get some!
Ok, that'll do for now. Sorry my crochet blog has turned into my felt blog, but I'm just so excited!
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
felty fun!
I was thinking of calling it 'entrails' but that sounds a bit yucky, so maybe not!
Now I'm going to make some more!
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
i can haz wools?
Coraline arrived today, as did some more wooly fluff for felting, and a package from Hope! Haven't opened it yet, am savouring the moment! Eeee!
Ok, now it's open. I've been attacked by Smarties! Thanks Hope! x
So yeah, today I'm a bit busy in the morningy/afternoony period but I'll pop back later if anyone's missing my ravelry absence.
Monday, 12 January 2009
busy busy busy
I've started nana Duane's scarf after a few false starts. The one skein one-der pattern seemed to be growing by about an inch outward every three inches length-wise, so we had to stop that one.
Tried to make some armies out of my lovely World of Wool Shetland Moorit DK but I have problems crocheting tubes, so that particular pattern was abandoned, and mother and I are going to have a look at making one up later.
My wooly fluff from World of Wool arrived, along with Kristina's gift, so all I need to do is fish out some bubblewrap and then I can make some felt! WOO!
Also the beautiful and wonderful frewen sent me a felting needle along with her IME moley today, so thankyou! I now have three moleskines sitting on the table. Confused? Slightly.
Now I must away to finalise the stitch markers and teabags for the E group IME or else Leslie will murder me slowly.
Friday, 9 January 2009
elbow soreness!
Check the comments area for the actual post in full! Stupid blogger.
Here's a pic of the fluff I'm talking about in the commentpost:
Thursday, 8 January 2009
snow's all gone now
Just need to finish Mark's hat and my list of projects to do will have decreased a bit. On the cards so far:
1) Mark's hat
2) A hat for best friend to match her xmas scarf
3) A scarf for best friend's fiance's nana (woo the thought of getting paid!)
as well as my tailored gifts for each of my dsps in the i.m.e group e which aren't crocheted but are still on the list. Now my moleskine actually has some stuff in it, so I might be able to send it off on Jan. 12th like I'm meant to!
I really want to do some felting... I've found some sites selling supplies but I'm completely in the dark here. I think I need help.
Rainbow Silks has a lot of things.
Feltcrafts also has a lot of stuff.
And then you've got the rest of the google search result. I'm confused.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
snack time
About three more rows on Mark's hat and it'll be done. The poobag he is made me undo about 7 rows to increase it so it wasn't too tight. It wouldn't have been too tight, it stretches! Oh well, the public wants what the public gets... Paul Weller anyone?
I got my graduation guest tickets today, 264-266. My ticket will be waiting for me at the Barbican allegedly. Oh well, if it's not I guess I don't have to wear the dumb outfit. So it's now less than two weeks away and I STILL don't have a pendant. Bah!
I bought some legwarmers in the sales yesterday because I liked the colour (sage green) and pattern (some knitted chevron-ish thing), and also because they were £1 for the pair. Yus. Unfortunately, they're too small to get over my shapely calves, so they're going to be arm warmers instead.
This leads me to the actual crochet-ish part of the blogpost. I want a pattern for some nice armwarmers that I can make myself out of whatever yarn takes me fancy.
Now, I like all three of these patterns, which leads me to believe I could knock them together to make one pattern I REALLY like!
Fingerless Gloves
Cable Gauntlets
Mohair Handwarmers (wouldn't be done in mohair cuz of allergies, obviously!)
If anyone knows of any other good patterns, send them my way!
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
hello again once more
I'm making Mark's hat, hoped to have it done by now, but now DMXOX and Leslie have got me caught up in the race for 400 posts on ravelry! Curses!
Proper update tomorrow I promise!
Monday, 5 January 2009
being crafty!
snow... bluh
I have a big list of things to do today, would you like to know what they are?
-buy Smarties for Leslie
-go make a doctor's appointment about my freaky mole
-make an appointment with my asthma nurse
-get my repeat prescriptions filled
-take my jeans to the drycleaners (don't trust the washing machine with my favourite £40 4 year old jeans)
-buy wool for Mark's hat (I told him I'd make him a hat and he WOULD wear it, so he said he wanted it red and black... why? I don't know... he likes neon greeny/yellowy/orangey usually)
-talk to the jobcentre people because I'm poor, and can't seem to get a job :(
-order some more vitamins from Healthy Direct
So yes, this is what I NEED to do today. What I've actually been up to is prowling ravelry and buying myself a lovely sheepie tote bag from Shana Logic. If you've never been, you must go. They have THE BEST goodies!
So anyway this is not crochety goodness. I apologise for contravening the trades description.
I'll be back to my crochety self soon... I hope.
Normal service will be resumed, please stand by.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
a weekend update?
So I got to felting my pouchette... it kind of sucks. I did read the woolband and it said nothing about the wool being felt resistant. Maybe it was the soap? It was pure vegetable/palm/glycerine soap. I used as hot a water as I could stand (freshly boiled out of the kettle- I have asbestos hands, especially in rubber gloves) and beat the living hell out of it. I dunno what happened... oh well! I still think it's sweet (and it's grown I'm SURE!). Here's a pic- you're all dying to see I bet!
I also made another hat this weekend just because I liked the wool colours together. I threaded a piece of ribbon through it too to make it extra pretty. Check out my ravelry projects if you want to take a peek.
I did buy a book on felting ("Felt Frenzy") which helped a bit... but has now made me want to go pull some wool out of some sheep's dreads and make a needle felted something. I have no felting needles but this kind of thing doesn't usually stop me, hehee!
I've also got a schematic for a hook/needle roll wobbling about on my PC now (yay for MS Paint!) which I'm willing to share with you if you treat it nicely. No stealing. It's mine. If you use it, credit me (and also let me see, I want to see!) etc etc yada yada yada... so 'ere it is, my 8"-ish hook roll plan. I'm going to get to work on making one tonight to see how it works, so there should be photos accompanying this schematic by Monday. YUS!
So I'm gonna go eat a chocolate sponge pudding covered in Anchor sniffy cream now and make a hookroll.
Proper update on Monday!
